Friday, February 11, 2011

Web Page Design

I have been working with the Google Sites CMS for a while now, and I have figured out how to do most of what is important. Being used to working at a lower level with direct HTML editing, JavaScript, and server-side scripting with Perl, PHP, and SQLite, I find it somewhat inefficient and often frustrating to find a way to do what would take just a few seconds using FTP for organizing the site, and an HTML (or plain text) editor to tweak the various pages. But I'm OK with it, so please send me any content you wish to add, but remember that you also have the ability to do so, if you are among those to whom Lore has given the logon information.

There is now a sidebar item which lists the various affinity groups, and I added some content based on the definitions of the groups as proposed last summer. And I added some documents I created from various emails and attached documents from the past 6 months or so. There is some valuable content in some of them, but others are just copies of previous material, possibly with comments or changes. So, take a look at these, and either let me know what you'd like to see, or try making the changes yourself. Practice makes perfect - well, usually!

1 comment:

  1. Finally, after two or three days of trying, I was able to set up the name hosting so that the URL shows the preferred path: It involved setting a CDATA record in the DNS data, and also a TXT record for domain ownership verification. And each change took 6-12 hours to propagate and become effective. Enjoy!
